☛ whAt uolls fEels if pEople disturb ur slEePs n baRu tid0 lAk tu..??
Isnin, 25 April 2011
aRRgghhhHH jGn kAco aku !!! 凸(¬‿¬)凸
hohohohx ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐...... semua oraNg memPunyAi tAhap PANAS BARAN tersendiri r!te... sAme g0es witH me ! (¬_¬) i hAve some cErtAin cn mAke mE BARAN if org kAcau i tid0x.... ohohohohx ( kaNt0i suda kUat tido )emmMMm~ i mEMaNg dislike to pEople distuRb mY slEepZzzZZZZZZZ~~~ mampu??!....... i mMg xb0leh bilE dgAnggU lagi2 i bru je lElap n bile i xlEH lElap dah gEreNti mY hEad feel pUsing2 erGGhhhh~! so effEcts nY mY kplA pEning n My mo0d will be chAnges bettER evil hahahaha ~! buT kEjap jew.. i xkisAh org gAnggu tdo i tApi uollz knE tAhaAn la whEn i tErjAga i aKAn semB0r jEwww~ n mY act!on u cn sEe likE a giAnt nk mEngaMok whEN i c ur fACe rO00arrs~hahahah btW i didnt tAlk tAlk 2 muCh s0 im jut wAn shAre it wit uolls 0nlY.....<((((((((((((((((◕‿◕)⊰
☛ whAt uolls fEels if pEople disturb ur slEePs n baRu tid0 lAk tu..??
☛ whAt uolls fEels if pEople disturb ur slEePs n baRu tid0 lAk tu..??
Sabtu, 9 April 2011
~crazy girl~
kAdAng-kAdAng rAsa nAk mEngam0k pUn ade
tApi bilE difikiRkAn bAlik
aku b0leh jadi gilE kAlau aku layaN bUdAk gilEr macam die
susAh lol mAu describe oRang jEnis aPe macam p0mpAn tu
sukE cAri pAsaL xtEntu pAsal
mAk aku kata macaM tu oRang gilEr
mEmAng oRang kAta
" alahai bUAt b0doh je"
mEmAng seNang bUat bod0h
tApi tErasa diri ini mAcAm bod0d pulAk
sbb tErpAksa ik0t kEpAla orAng
sEdAngkaN oRaNg xpEnAh fikIr kEpaLa aKu???
d0 u think wAt i will do..???
so, jgN ujI kEsAbArAn orAng lain
sEbAb sEtiAp mAnusIa mEmpuNyai pEndirIan bErbEza n sifAt laIn2
tApi bAK kAta mY MAMA lantak dorang
whAt thEy cAn do?? brani mEreKa seNtuh kamiK
selAgi kamik sik pErNah caRi mAslah sAma kitak
But biLe pk..
emmmmm s0 k la ...
i lEave it bcUs of My mAMA
P/s : ign0re thEm!! hihi
my mum says : ignore crazy people, if didnt u cn will be crazier ....~
Selasa, 5 April 2011
whAt u th!nk....?
s0metimes,The tongue wounds more than a lance .... pEople w0rds cn huRt mY hEaRt~ n0 mattEr whAT pe0ple sAy, n0 mAtter sillY w0rdS fr0m othEr im aCCept it. BUT its d0esn't mEan im 0kAy, im still hAve hEarts n fEelings..... s0, f0e thE at10ti0n dun tAlk like a w0rld its urs BUT If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid 100 days of sorrow th!nk b0ut othErs hEarts n fEeling u cn tAlk anYth!n BUT rEmembEr " u hidup dengAn mAnusia lain dlm dunia ni bukan hidup u s0rg je!" ..... bUt im be gRateful bcus i just get a humble life n simplE kn0wledge......~ if u m0re GENIUS or m0re RICH that urs biznes..~ wHat u0llz th!nK if hAve s0me pEople BEhaVe likE thaT..???? yulllkkz :P (huhuhuhu)_^-^_
P/S : pEople aLways rEspEct u whEn u givE urs respEctfuL ....~
Sabtu, 2 April 2011
sAmer kER..????
sekArAng mAkin rAmAi pUlak bilANgan yAng mEngATAkAn akU n s0me1 niE keMbar.. ishhh adE ke pAtut kew...? ishh222 i duN n0e whiCh 1 yg sAma... huhuhuhuuh bUt rAmai gAk yg bErtAnyAkan "korg kembAr ke? muka sAma la ". aku tAw la pIpi kAmi sAma bububububububub~ t0mbAm g0bu jo....
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